The max priority fee per gas.
The max fee per gas.
The gas fee estimates.
The estimated lower and upper bounds for when this transaction will be confirmed.
Get a gas price estimate from the network using the eth_gasPrice
The EthQuery instance to call the network with.
A gas price estimate.
Fetch gas estimates from the given URL.
The gas estimate URL.
The client ID used to identify to the API who is asking for estimates.
The gas estimates.
Hit the legacy MetaSwaps gasPrices estimate api and return the low, medium high values from that API.
The URL to fetch gas price estimates from.
The client ID used to identify to the API who is asking for estimates.
The gas price estimates.
Convert a decimal GWEI value to a decimal string rounded to the nearest WEI.
The input GWEI amount, as a decimal string or a number.
The decimal string GWEI amount.
Generated using TypeDoc
Estimate the time it will take for a transaction to be confirmed.