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Last update: October 8, 2021




  function constructor(
  ) public


  function bestVault(
  ) public returns (contract VaultAPI)
@notice Used to get the most revent vault for the token using the registry.

Return Values:

Name Type Description
An instance of a VaultAPI
### allVaults
  function allVaults(
  ) public returns (contract VaultAPI[])
Used to get all vaults from the registery for the token

Return Values:

Name Type Description
An array containing instances of VaultAPI
### totalVaultBalance
  function totalVaultBalance(
  ) public returns (uint256)
Used to get the balance of an account accross all the vaults for a token.
@dev will be used to get the wrapper balance using totalVaultBalance(address(this)).
@param account The address of the account.
@return balance of token for the account accross all the vaults.


  function totalAssets(
  ) public returns (uint256)
@notice Used to get the TVL on the underlying vaults. @return assets the sum of all the assets managed by the underlying vaults.


  function _deposit(
  ) internal returns (uint256)


  function _withdraw(
  ) internal returns (uint256)


  function _migrate(
  ) internal returns (uint256)


  function _migrate(
  ) internal returns (uint256)


  function _migrate(
  ) internal returns (uint256 migrated)
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